
Archi-Love | Contemporary Art Museum

Remember me talking about how cool historic preservation is in this post? Well I'm got yet another example to prove it to you. Take an old blacksmith warehouse from 1910, chop up the existing floor a bit and add a folded canopy, and you have the Contemporary Art Museum in Raleigh, North Carolina, by Brooks + Scarpa Architects.

The Original Building
The Reused Building
In my opinion, this is the type of application where historic reuse shines. I'm a huge advocate of taking an existing building and altering it to fit a current need. I don't think we need to necessarily preserve the building in its original form like some people do. It's so much more sustainable and economically feasible to reuse an existing building for a new purpose than to tear down older buildings to make way for new functions that easily could have used the same building. And I can't deny the aesthetic appeal of a lot of these projects. Look at how beautiful this is!

Contemporary Art Museum Raleigh

Contemporary Art Museum Raleigh

Contemporary Art Museum Raleigh

Contemporary Art Museum Raleigh

So who wants to plan a road trip to Raleigh?

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Well aren't you a cool kid. Thanks for dropping me a line!